Paypal Express Checkout with Ruby on Rails and paypal-sdk-merchant

In my last work, Agrimè.it, an ecommerce built using Ruby on rails, I had to implement the cart payment using Paypal Express Checkout. Sadly, I found that was the worst time to do it, because Paypal was migrating the classic API to the new REST API and the documentation was a real mess! Walking through the doc links, I jumped (without a particular logic) from the new to the old API reference and vice versa.

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Create a contact form for Jekyll

As I promised to a reader who wrote me an email some days ago, with this post I’ll explain how I built the contact form of this website using Sinatra and Sendgrid. As you know (or you’re just learning) this site is made by Jekyll, a static site generator written in Ruby. As the result of the work of Jekyll it is a static HTML website, so it’s not immediate to build a contact form.

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Rubyfatt 1.0 - software di fatturazione per partite IVA

Approfittando della pausa estiva sono riuscito a lavorare un po' su Rubyfatt, il software che mi sono scritto per la gestione della mia partita IVA. Senza dilungarmi troppo, dalla versione 1.0 il software è ormai maturo e può essere usato senza problemi (spero). Vi rimando alla pagina ufficiale all'indirizzo: in cu si trova la lista di tutte le caratteristiche e le istruzioni per installarlo. Ovviamente ogni aiuto è ben accetto, trovate tutto sulla pagina di Github del progetto

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Bind Log Analyzer: Simple analysis and SQL storage for Bind logs

Bind Log Analyzer is my first gem :) It analyzes a Bind query log file and stores the logs into a database (using ActiveRecord). See the details and the source code on GitHub and get the gem on RubyGems. Or simply install it with: gem install bind_log_analyzer Starting from version 0.2.1 it includes a simple Sinatra webserver to show some reports and (soon) some cool graphs.

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